Sunday, April 20, 2014

Recent Challanges

So, I have been outrageously busy and have forgotten to blog about my recent challenges over the past week. I have been completing my challenges, but due to not recording them after they occurred I cannot remember exactly what they were. So I am now also challenging myself to write about the Random Act of Kindness I due at the end of the day. Sorry to not stay focused on blogging, but will make more of an effort. Honestly, though I do feel a change in myself about doing a nice act without even thinking about it anymore. I am hoping that this will create a lifestyle that I do them daily, always.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about your 32-day challenge! I also believe that God calls on us to help and support one another. Honestly, I wish I had thought of it! Recently at church, we talked about paying it forward and at the end of the service, if we wanted to, we could pick up a fortune cookie that had a message inside. We knew ahead of time that the message would be a way of paying it forward in our community, one random act at a time. My son broke open the cookie and gave me the little piece of white paper. It read, "Pay it throw at the drive-up window." My kids and I were so excited, that we went to Wendy's right after church. We waited and waited but no one was coming to the drive-thru! How can you pay it forward if there is no one there? We went a bit out of our way to another Wendy's and sat there for a bit too. Finally, a car started pulling in and I got in front of them in the drive-thru. When we got to the window, I paid for my food and the food of the young woman who was behind us. It truly warmed my heart to do something for someone else. My plan was to take off and that would have been the end of it, but my son's plain cheeseburger order hindered my leaving. As we waited for his special order, I couldn't help but to watch the scene behind me when the girl drove up to pay for her food. I had given the cashier the little strip of paper to show the girl -- then I saw something wonderful happen. The girl smiled and then paid for the food for the car behind her. In a matter of seconds, two random acts of kindness took place. I was happy to be a part of it!

    I loved that your posts weren't really about what you did, but more of what YOU got out of doing it. I am going to start doing this as my own personal challenge for myself! Thank you for giving me this idea! I have high hopes that it will become second nature for me and that my children will catch on and do the same. Thank you!
