Sunsets are the most peaceful thing to observe.
The way the colors in the sky transform from blue, to fiery orange.
Wrapped by a purple, and pink shadow.
The colors engulfing every inch of the sky.
I cannot help but stand in awe of how God created such an describable transformation from day to night.
The beauty is overwhelming, just to stand upon shore and watch is worth while.
Second by second the sun sinks lower into the pool of vibrant colors.
All light fades in the background, and all attention is drawn to the horizon.
Snapshots of this event, capture only a sliver of the magnificent moment.
As the sun continues descending, the clouds shine the reflection of the vibrant sky.
People on the beach stand still, watching as the sun sinks lower than eyes can see.
All that is left is the colors slowly fading, following the sun's dissapearance.
Then, minutes later darkness fills the sky.
All one can see is the twinkling stars, and moon and the city lights.
The peace of the night fills the air, the beauty of the sunset, and colors linger only in the mind.
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